Predicting the Future: Part III.

James Phelps
8 min readSep 18, 2021

It doesn’t matter if the Russia takes action in Eastern Europe or not. The Chinese are staged and ready to step forward and act in the Western Pacific, and their neighbors are fully aware even if the U.S. political leadership and populace are clueless.

Worse yet — the entire U.S. military and political hierarchy are fully compromised and ready and willing to allow China to act without any major repurcussions.

Taiwan fighter confronts PLA bomber during incursion into Taiwan airspace: Taiwan Defense Ministry.

III. Vietnam and Japan just signed a defense agreement to share technology essential to counter Chinese threats to each other. The partnership is a direct reflection on the recognition that the Biden/Harris administration won’t stand behind long term defense agreements with Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and the Philippines.

The Chinese won’t take long to act on the opportunities the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan demonstrated. Beyond rapidly moving into Afghanistan with Taliban support, the Chinese will move to ensure an overland supply of Iranian oil to fuel its economy, lessening dependence of shipborne transits through multiple choke points.

Headline from Australia ABC News:

The previous image is proof positive that my predictions are on their way to becoming…



James Phelps

Professor Phelps lives in East Texas where he teaches and writes and educates others on all manner of topics across a polymath's expanse of topics.