Predicting the Future: Part I

James Phelps
8 min readSep 18, 2021

Predicting the Future

By James Phelps, Ph.D.

People regularly predict the future. Economists tell us what policies will result in which changes over the next several years. Politicians tell us how they will bring prosperity to their constituents if they only had another 2/4/6 years in office. The weather person predicts tomorrow, with a 50% probability of accuracy being the best we can hope to get.

It is an everyday process for all of us. Even you predict the future if you invest in stocks/bonds/cryptocurrency/forex. You are betting on a better return than inflation will wipe out.

Other than the weather person, few actually provide explicit details and fewer yet provide dates or deadlines. I’m going to attempt to do both, over a short term, where the outcomes of my predictions can be measured. It should be an interesting next year for a multitude of reasons, including seeing how well/poorly my analysis performs.

Like Nostradamus, this set of predictions encompasses a holistic, whole world approach. It is much too large to incorporate into a single article — so necessarily — it will be presented in segments. Four to be exact. Unless my prediction about Medium is incorrect in which case it might be five (lol).

If you find these predictions to be interesting, please tell others. I like getting followers and more hand claps. It reinforces my desire to continue reaching out with deeper…



James Phelps

Professor Phelps lives in East Texas where he teaches and writes and educates others on all manner of topics across a polymath's expanse of topics.